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Are You DeckWise®?

NO – we know “WHO” DeckWise® is – we wanna know if YOU are DeckWise®. It’s kinda like being Streetsmart but we’re not talkin’ tough-guys here. After all, we are the DeckWise® WiseGuys! We’ve been in the deck building industry long enough to see builders make just about every mistake that you can make when building a hardwood deck. We’ve also helped a lot of them learn from their mistakes by providing them with the knowledge and products they need to build the kind of decks you would call DeckWise®.
When you’ve been building quality hardwood decks as long as we have, you learn a lot about which products work and which ones fall short. If wisdom comes with age, then our vast experience in the decking industry has taught us that doing a job right requires the right tools and accessories. No shortcuts, no gimmicks, just quality products that help you build quality, lasting decks.
The smartest thing you can do when building a deck is starting with quality products and then making sure the job gets done right. Now, that’s DeckWise®!