Posted by DeckWise
Winter Is Approaching, How Do You Prepare?

It’s starting to get chilly, the kids are back in school, and fall BBQ season is coming to an end. As the winter time approaches, it’s important to prepare your outdoor living space. There are numerous preparations that can be done in fall and winter to guarantee that come spring time your outdoor space will be as good as before.
Protecting your deck is an essential process in preparing for the cold weather. Using deck protectors, such as our Ipe Seal™ and Ipe Oil™, keeps your deck in good health during those cold, wet months. In those months, the cold and wet climate your deck has a higher risk of growing mildew, soaking up access water and warping. If you have spent your time and money building your deck, you wouldn’t want to throw it away by not protecting your deck. Would you? Some people believe applying protectors is a one-time thing, and others believe application of those products is a hassle. Well, at DeckWise®, we want to inform you of the importance of frequently using deck protectors, and let you know applying those protectors is as easy as 1-2-3.
First, you want to clean the surface of your deck. You can do this by spraying it off with a hose. After you clean it off, let it dry. Secondly, you apply the product. This too is an easy process. All you do is roll the product over the entire surface. Third, and lastly, you wipe off the excess product.
See, those three steps don’t seem that bad. And it’s those three simple steps that will guarantee the life of your deck during the winter season.
Our products can also be used on other outdoor hardwood surfaces such as fences and wood railings. Let our products help you, and save the life of your outdoor wood surfaces.
When that cold weather finally approaches, and snow may begin to fall, your wood will be protected. If snow piles on your deck and you wish to shovel it off, we suggest shoveling the snow lengthwise with a plastic shovel. If you shovel the snow in the other direction, you are putting your deck at risk for scratches. Also, the use of a metal shovel can put scratches on your deck, which can also scratch off the protector you have previously applied to it.
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